You've just constructed your very own fish pond. Now, you're looking for ways to keep…
Buiding A Natural Pond
Ponds can definitely enhance the beauty of landscaping, and can create an environment for plants and animals to thrive in. If you have the right tools and plan correctly, you can construct natural ponds on your property that will provide you and your family with hours of relaxation. Here are some tips for building your own pond that are easy to follow, even if you don’t have much experience in this area.
Natural ponds need to be in a good location in order to thrive. Place your fish pond on a plot of land where it won’t be contaminated by pesticides or fertilizers. These substances can cause algae to grow in the pond, which will eventually kill the fish that are living there. You should also select a plot of land that is not near trees, since leaves and pollen will fall into the pond and change the color and water conditions. Placing natural ponds within the line of direct sunlight is ideal as well. This will allow the plant and animal life in the pond to thrive, and will help to purify the water.
Next, think about the size that you want your pond to be. It’s important that natural ponds are not too small, especially if you plan on housing fish. The pond should be deep enough and wide enough for the number of fish that you want to have, and you should also think about growing some plants in the pond as well. Cattails and water lilies do very well in a pond environment, and will keep your pond looking great. You can use a rope to determine the shape you want the pond to be as well. Form the outline of the pond with the rope, and mark it with chalk if necessary. This way, contractors will know exactly where to cut to form a pond that will enhance your yard.
When you’re learning about natural ponds, it’s important to make sure that the inside surface of the pond doesn’t contain anything that would damage the pond lining. You can use sand to line the pond, as this will decrease damage of the liner and will keep the animals safe. Natural ponds also need filtration, so you’ll need to dig a trench around the pond and lay the necessary piping. This will keep toxic water out of the pond, so that ‘good’ water can constantly be filtered in.
Even though your pond is natural, if you’re creating it yourself, you can’t forget to add water. Straighten out any wrinkles in the lining that you see, and add the best quality of water possible. This way, you’ll be able to introduce new animals to the pond,and may even be able to fish in the pond regularly.