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How To Make A Pine Cone Bird Feeder

It’s a pleasurable scene, when you spot different birds hopping and chirping around eating from a bird feeder. A lot of bird viewers make their own bird feeders to capture beautiful birds on camera. Actually, there is wide range of bird feeders in many pet stores today, but making your own pine cone bird feeder is a different feeling.

Pine cone bird feeder is considered the simplest craft ideas. If you plan to make one pine cone bird feeder in your garden plot, then read on the following procedures below so you can make one easily.

The first thing that you must do is to find a huge and nice pine cone. Don’t choose deformed, broken, and wet pine cones. With your butter knife, spread the peanut butter on the pine cone. The more peanut butter you spread on the pine cone, the greater number of birds would enjoy feeding on it. Dust it with bread crumbs, or bird seeds, or both. You can place these bread crumbs and bird seeds on the tray. Roll the pine cone with peanut butter around and over the crumbs or seeds.

Once you have done it, attach a strong string at the cone’s top end. To secure the thread and not to let it loose on the pine cone, secure the string by knotting it. After that, locate a good spot or a tree and fasten the other end of the thread to the branch. Make sure you securely tie it to the tree’s branch. The birds are now attracted to your pine cone bird feeder. You can spot different kinds of birds such as cross-bills, titmice, chickadees, jays, and grosbeaks feeding on your pine cone bird feeder.

Vegetable shortening, corn meal, suet, oatmeal, or lard are also other kinds of treat you can give or include in your homemade pine cone bird feeder. This is a simple winter crafts for children and they would love having one. With these, you will not just give the birds food but teach you as well the value and beauty that Mother Nature and living creatures would give us.

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