Guest Post Guidelines
Please review the following guidelines before submitting a guest post to our site.
Your guest post must be
- unique (no spun content)
- relevant to the site’s content
- well-researched and provide value
- free of spelling and grammatical errors
- 1250 words or longer
Please also note the following:
- Your guest post must not be published elsewhere before and after submission to our site.
- You may have up to 5 different do-follow or no-follow outbound links to legitimate sites
- No links to social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.
- No blatant promotion of a product or service.
- We will provide a royalty-free, premium image for your post.
- We may edit your post to correct any linguistic and formatting errors.
- You may submit your post as a MS Word or Adobe PDF file with HTML code embedded.
- All submissions are subject to review. Upon approval, you agree to give us the copyright ownership of the post.
If you would like to submit a guest post or have any questions regarding the above guidelines, please let us know at