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How To Start and Grow A Herb Garden

It can be very fun and relaxing to garden but even better is when you can use the plants that you grow to cook and nourish yourself with. If you have always been interested in growing an herb garden you have come to the right place. This article contains many tips and tricks to help you start and grow a beautiful herb garden and save some money in the produce section while you are at it. We all know how expensive those fresh herbs can be.

The first thing you have to do when you want to grow a herb garden is to decide what herbs you want to plant in it. This is very simple and will require little thought. All you have to do is think about what herbs you love to eat and cook with. If you have some extra room you should think about putting some herbs in there that you have always wondered about and never used. This can be good for the expansion of your palate, and maybe you can make some foods that you have never thought about making before.

Pick out a good place for your herb garden, and plan for how many plants you will be placing there. Also, you will want to take into consideration that some herbs are perennials; this means that they will come back year after year and perhaps spread. You will want to leave enough room for this to happen as well; you can always cut back on them, but the multiplication of the plants in your garden should be welcomed because it took no effort from yourself.

Think about when you will want to plant the herbs and what time of the year is best for them. You might want to do some research; some herb seeds should be planted earlier than other ones. This is a very important step. Sometimes you have to harvest the herbs before they go to seed as well. Keep this in mind!

Think about how you will benefit from buying herbs already grown from a greenhouse or just growing them from seed. You might not want the extra responsibility or mess of growing them inside from seeds, but this will also give you more yield and save you some money. You will also be able to watch a seed form a plant, and it is somehow more rewarding this way.

Always follow the directions that you have been given on your seed packets or the little stake that comes in the plants. This will give you the best process for planting your seeds or plants, how much water they need, what kind of climate they do best in and when you can expect to harvest or bloom, how much sun they like, etc. Know that the seed companies and greenhouses are professionals and probably know best about these things.

If you have some herbs that just do not make it, don’t give up! This happens to the best of us, and it is just a part of becoming a master gardener. That experimentation on how you can get your plants to grow better is part of the fun. Just do a little research and find out what you might have been lacking.

Read about your herbs and find out what to look for so that you can harvest them at the best time. As previously stated, some herbs must be harvested before they go to seed, and some of them are just tastier when you pick them young.

If you just do a little research and dedicate yourself to the cause you can be cooking with fresh herbs in no time at all! It is like having your own personal spice cabinet in your back yard. And fresh herbs are always better for you and more tasty than the ones that are dried, processed, and sitting on store shelves!

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