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Keeping Your Plants Healthy In 5 Steps

Gardening is something that a lot of people can do easily, but even more have trouble growing healthy, strong and happy plants. It’s not that gardening is hard work per se; it’s more that it can be a little tedious and confusing for beginners. If you’re one of those people having trouble growing a happy and healthy garden, you need to check out these tips to fix your issues.

When you’re first putting new plants out in your garden, as with a transplant, you need to take special care not to sun shock them. What this means is that you don’t want them in the direct, blazing sun as soon as you plant them in the garden. You want them to become gently acclimated to their surroundings. If you put them out in the direct sun as soon as they’re transplanted, you run the risk of having them wither up and die.

Plants need water on a lot more than just their leaves and stems. A lot of people get into the habit of simply spraying the plants themselves. While this is something that plants do need from time to time, especially to fight against the bugs and other pests, you need to make sure that the roots are receiving water. Make sure you’re watering deep into the earth and not just on the surface.

Mulch is something that any good garden can use. When you put a layer of mulch down, you’re doing a lot for your plants. Not only are you locking moisture in, you’re also providing a lot of nutrients, you’re keeping some of the pests away, and you’re also creating an attractive look about your garden. But before you use some store-bought, chemical-laden mulch, search for the all-natural organic stuff that won’t harm your plants.

The same rules that apply for the mulch also apply for your fertilizer. However, you also need to realize that fertilizer is even more important for your plants. This is the actual food that your plants are going to eat, so it’s very important that what you’re using is all natural. Try to create your own compost pile, or seek out some compost from an organic farmer you can trust. Don’t take any shortcuts here.

Different plants are going to need to be buried at different depths. For some plants, it’s not nearly enough that you bury only the roots. For others, you barely want to cover up the seeds themselves. The only way to know for sure which plants need to be buried at which depth is to do a little bit of research on what you’re trying to plant in your garden.

The best thing about planting a garden is that you learn as you go. The more gardening you do, the better you’re ultimately going to become at it. But since everyone needs to start somewhere, learning and using the tips from the article above is a great starting point when you’re ready to plant a garden.

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