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How To Control Fish Pond Algae

You’ve just constructed your very own fish pond. Now, you’re looking for ways to keep the water as clean as possible for the animals that live inside. One of the biggest problems you will likely experience is getting rid of fish pond algae. However, there are plenty of things you can do to make sure that the fish in your pond are not affected.

Keep in mind that all ponds need small amounts of algae in order to host bugs and frogs. Some fish use the algae to store eggs. However, when there is too much fish pond algae, it can turn the water green and kill the fish. So if you see tiny clusters of algae around the edges of your pond, there’s probably no need to worry. However, if the algae grows and starts to turn the water a different color, it’s time to start using a few cleaning methods.

One of the most practical things you can do is to keep a rim around the pond. This way, the nutrients in the soil won’t find their way into your pond. The weeds and grass will still be able to benefit from the the nutrients, and this will cut down on the amount of fish pond algae that you see. Also, try to avoid putting down any type of fertilizer near the pond. If the nutrients enter the pond, this will make the algae flourish.

Your septic system and your fish pond should be as far away from one another as possible. Septic waste travels through the ground, and this can cause fish pond algae to settle in the pond if the system is too close. Make sure that keep small animals like birds from swimming in the pond. The bird droppings will put additional nutrients in the water, which is a breeding ground for algae.

Be sure to check the pond for any dead fish as well. When the fish die, they will rot and decay. This leaves nutrients in the water, so if there is fish pond algae already growing, it will definitely increase. You may also want to ask a professional about how to add certain chemicals to your fish pond that will cut down on algae growth. Adding the wrong chemicals in the wrong amounts can kill your fish, so it’s important to conduct this process with someone that has experience. A university or agricultural outlet in your city or state will most likely offer you the assistance you need free of charge. Check your local Yellow Pages for contractors that can help you to get rid of fish pond algae as well. Be sure to compare quotes before you book a service so that you can stay within your budget.

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